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FEMLIFE SUPREME Woman's Health With Soy (isoflavones), Red Clover, Dong Quai and Black Cohosh.

FEMLIFE SUPREME Woman's Health With Soy (isoflavones), Red Clover, Dong Quai and Black Cohosh.

Regular price $ 29.95 USD
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FEMLIFE is a female-only version of the clinically-tested Admax product. 

The immune system is the first to suffer when the body is under stress, This reduces its resistance to infections and inflammation, and makes it less able to repair damaged tissue. FEMLIFE contains the four primary adaptogens from Admax that help the body increase its stress resistance.

FEMLIFE also has plant estrogens—plants that have an estrogen-like activity in the body. There is good science that supports the use by women of plant estrogens. Scientists have discovered scores of such plants. One study published in Menopause found that those who took foods rich in plant estrogens had significantly fewer episodes of hot flashes, vaginal dryness and other menopausal symptoms.  

In FEMLIFE we have selected the plants with the most estrogen-like activity: soy (isoflavones), Red clover, Dong Quai and Black cohosh.




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